The New Partnerships Initiative (NPI) Expanding Health Partnerships—NPI EXPAND Project— is a five-year project which aims to support Missions by increasing the availability and utilization of quality health services across all USAID priority health areas. In line with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) commitment to localization, NPI EXPAND invests in local partners and strengthening their capacity to strategize, plan, and implement health sector programs with USAID funds. Enhanced participation of capable local partners to increase demand for and deliver high-quality, high impact health services will enable governments to meet crucial health goals equitably and sustainably. NPI EXPAND will catalyze opportunities to scale up innovative interventions by strengthening the capacity of local partners with varying levels of capabilities and exposure to USAID.

NPI EXPAND has a global mandate to work with USAID missions throughout the world which have programs requiring NPI EXPAND’s expertise in capacity strengthening, grant making and performance improvement in health and other development sectors.

Featured Insights

Our project partners and staff have been involved in a number of exciting and life-saving activities over the past couple of months. Please see the stories and presentation below for more information and insights.

Capacity Building Kenya Success Stories

Empowering Healthcare Champions: Remarkable Gains Achieved Through Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care Mentorship

In Kenya there has been a consistent challenge of high facility Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) that stands at 355/100,000 live...
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Research Tools

Local Organization Capacity Strengthening to Improve Performance: Reflections from Local Organizations and Subject Matter Experts

Local Organization Capacity Strengthening to Improve Performance: Reflections from Local Organizations and Subject Matter Experts Tangible long-term development depends on...
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Education Gender Kenya Success Stories

Dreams Rekindled: Aspiring Teacher Finds Hope Through Reproductive Health Outreach

Dreams Rekindled: Aspiring Teacher Finds Hope Through Reproductive Health Outreach In the heart of Nkareta village in Kenya’s Narok county,...
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Education Mali Success Stories

Empowering Futures: How NPI EXPAND Supported Girls in Mali with Access to Education

Koumba Diallo and her younger sister Kadia, ages 8 and 7 years old, live with their father Samba Diallo in...
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Lessons in Localization Webinar 7: Show Me the Money – Resource Mobilization for Partners

On September 4, 204, NPI EXPAND hosted the seventh event in NPI EXPAND’s series, Lessons in Localization: Experiences and Perspectives...
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Diversifying Resource Mobilization Strategies

Jeff Barnes, NPI EXPAND Project Director A recent issue of The Economist included a report about the latest trends in...
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Capacity strengthening Featured Local Partners Guatemala Success Stories

Addressing Health Inequities in Guatemala by Strengthening Local Ownership

Background Guatemala has long struggled with ethnic and gender health inequities, undermining developmentoutcomes and the quality, effectiveness, and accessibility of...
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Research Tools

Resource Mobilization Strategies: Reflections from Local Organizations

  Resource Mobilization Strategies: Reflections from Local Organizations Successful resource generation and sustained revenue is a critical piece of organizational...
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Capacity strengthening Health Mali Success Stories

Saving Lives through the Supply Chain Improvement of Nutrition Commodities in Mali

The rate of child malnutrition in Mali is among the highest in Sub-Saharan Africa with almost half of deaths for...
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Gender Webinar

Lessons in Localization Webinar 6: Localizing Gender Mainstreaming

On July 25, 2024, NPI EXPAND hosted the sixth event in the project's series, Lessons in Localization: Experiences and Perspectives...
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Family planning Health India Success Stories

Advancing Equity: Strategies for Social Inclusion and Accessible Family Planning Services in India

USAID’s NPI EXPAND initiative has made significant strides in enhancing social inclusion within family planning (FP) services in India. The...
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Capacity strengthening Kenya Success Stories

NPI EXPAND Support Enhances the Effectiveness of ADSSR Board in its Oversight Role

Anglican Development Services South Rift (ADSSR) is one of the NPI EXPAND grantees in Kenya. The organization was registered in...
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Capacity strengthening Success Stories

NPI EXPAND Strengthens the Financial Sustainability of Local Organizations

Local organizations play a vital role in developing and implementing solutions for challenges affecting society in their communities and countries....
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Organizational Gender Assessment Tool

Organizational Gender Assessment Tool and Facilitator’s Guide The purpose of the organizational gender assessment tool is to identify areas for...
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Capacity strengthening Featured Local Partners Pakistan

Hashoo Foundation’s Transformation Journey Through NPI EXPAND Partnership

Hashoo Foundation is an impact-oriented non-profit organization dedicated to empowering communities through socio-economic uplift across Pakistan. Established in 1988, Hashoo...
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Education Gender Pakistan Success Stories

Accelerated Learning Program Centers Creating a Brighter Future for Girls in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

In the remote Upper Dir district in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province in Pakistan, girls’ education often seems unattainable due to...
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Lessons in Localization Webinar 5: Funding Organizational Sustainability (Indirect Cost Recovery)

Download the slides from this event Download NPI EXPAND's indirect costs research paper On June 25, 2024, NPI EXPAND hosted...
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Sidai – The Maasai Community Dialogue Guidebook

Sidai - The Maasai Community Dialogue Guidebook In Kenya, NPI EXPAND works with local partners in the Maasai community to...
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Research Tools

Paper: NPI EXPAND Experience with Indirect Cost Recovery

NPI EXPAND Experience with Indirect Cost Recovery An NPI EXPAND Learning Question Paper As part of the project's learning agenda,...
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Capacity strengthening Education Gender Health Pakistan Success Stories

The Integral Role of Mainstreaming Gender for Progress in Health and Education

Context: Gender, Health, and Education in Pakistan Pakistan’s population is 49% female and ranks 142 out of 146 countries in...
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