Success Story

ADEMAS Contributes to Improved Hygiene Conditions in Schools

June 5, 2024

Hygiene and sanitation problems account for one third of the burden of water-related disease and one-fifth of the burden of morbidity in Senegal (Jamison D T et al (eds) (2006, 2nd ed) Disease control priorities in developing countries, chapter 41. OUP and the World Bank). The lack of toilets in schools is not only a health and environmental problem. It can also expose children to the risk of sexual abuse when they have to leave school grounds to relieve themselves.

Of the 3,152 pre-school facilities in Senegal, latrine coverage in schools is 76.2% nationally, and only 32.75% in the public sector. The lowest percentages are recorded in the school districts of Dakar (9.16%), Pikine-Guédiawaye (5.32%), and Rufisque (9.87%) (National Report on the State of Education in 2016). To address this problem, local non-governmental organization ADEMAS sought funding for a new project to construct modern latrines in schools. This would also leverage ADEMAS’ expertise in educating communities about the importance of hygiene, whereby they promote their Aquatabs tablets for treating water and the SATOPan, a product to cover latrines.

Through support from NPI EXPAND, a USAID-funded project implemented by Palladium, ADEMAS was able to hire staff to focus on resource mobilization to help diversify its funding beyond USAID and leverage local resources. With these resources, ADEMAS was able to develop a strategic plan for resource mobilization and conduct a landscaping exercise to help identify possible donors. A first step in their fundraising strategy was to organize a workshop to share their plans for potential projects and to solicit support from a range of local donors identified through the landscaping exercise. This event was held under the chairmanship of the Ministry of Health and included public authorities, private sector representatives, and members of the press.

Following this event, ADEMAS was able to negotiate support for their school latrine project from the Bank of Africa (BOA) Foundation and the Banque de habitat du Sénégal (BHS) Foundation.

The BOA Foundation was the first to grant funding of 10 million CFA francs for the construction of sanitary blocks in the Thies region for the Moda KANE middle school and the Massamba GUEYE middle school. Then, the BHS Foundation contributed the same amount, 10 million CFA francs, in the Saint-Louis region for the Mbolo Birane 1 school located in the department of Podor.

ADEMAS oversaw the construction of the new toilet blocks with efficiency and the two new latrine blocks were completed in December 2023. The new toilet blocks have become a symbol of renewal for schools. Not only do they improve the students’ quality of life, but they also strengthen the school’s image within the community and reinforce a strong message to neighboring schools.

As noted by Mr. Amadou NDIAYE, Principal of the Massamba GUEYE middle school in Thies, “It is an achievement that came at the right time as in the last two years we were operating without toilets, which was a serious handicap with staff but also with the students. Some of my colleagues told me that once they were at school, they were afraid to drink because when the need arose, it was indeed very difficult. Other colleagues would come to see me during the day to tell me that they wanted to continue the day but that the need to go home was urgent because not everyone was comfortable going to the neighboring houses, asking to use the toilet especially the ladies.”

The toilet blocks were built with an innovative sanitation technology, SATOPan, which is a product equipped with a flap designed to solve the problems of odors attracting flies. This feature also makes it safer for children. It is also easy to clean with very little water. In addition to the use of SATOPan, some toilet blocks have provided a very discreet and practical device for menstrual management in the latrines reserved for women and girls.

Thanks to the support of partners such as the BHS Foundation and the BOA Foundation, and the domestic resource mobilization strategy initiated by ADEMAS with the support of NPI EXPAND, the construction of sanitary blocks in schools marks the beginning of a new era for access to sanitation.
