Sidai – The Maasai Community Dialogue Guidebook

June 6, 2024

Sidai – The Maasai Community Dialogue Guidebook

In Kenya, NPI EXPAND works with local partners in the Maasai community to increase the demand for and use of family planning and maternal health services. Because individuals in the Maasai community are keen on increasing their wealth and livelihood through domestic animals, such as cows and goats, they are knowledgeable on how animals reproduce and space births so that the animals remain healthy.

To better support male champions in delivering messages in their communities on the importance of family planning and maternal health, NPI EXPAND supported the development of a male champion community dialogue guidebook that relates examples of how the animal population is controlled to the relevance of promoting progressive family planning and maternal health practices in the human population. The guide is an additional gender, health, and environmental integration facilitation tool that can be used to share health information in populations where livestock and wildlife are highly esteemed.
