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Lessons in Localization Webinar 7: Show Me the Money – Resource Mobilization for Partners

September 4, 2024

On September 4, 204, NPI EXPAND hosted the seventh event in NPI EXPAND’s series, Lessons in Localization: Experiences and Perspectives from the NPI EXPAND Project. As NPI EXPAND comes to a close in October 2024, the project shared experiences and lessons learned from implementing its large-scale grants and capacity strengthening program through a series of webinars for stakeholders. To stay updated on the series and future events, be sure to sign up for email updates from the project using this link.

Successful resource generation and sustained revenue are critical for an organization’s long-term sustainability. In alignment with USAID’s Local Capacity Strengthening (LCS) Policy, NPI EXPAND worked with local partners across 11 countries to strengthen their capacity in several areas, including support provided to strengthen resource mobilization efforts among partners to facilitate revenue generation and diversification for financial sustainability.

NPI EXPAND supported grantees to identify opportunities to generate revenue by facilitating an analysis of revenue generating opportunities through assessments of organizational capacity, operating contexts, and system dynamics, and providing targeted training in resource mobilization, among other capacity strengthening strategies. Capacity strengthening efforts around resource mobilization also included targeted support provided to partners to build a systematic approach within the organization.

This event, Show Me the Money: Resource Mobilization for Partners, highlighted the experiences of NPI EXPAND local partners and local organizations with expertise in mobilizing resources and diversifying revenue. Featured local organizations shared their perspectives on the best strategies for revenue generation and diversification, as well as challenges local organizations face on the path toward financial sustainability and opportunities they see for the future.
