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NPI EXPAND Pakistan – End of Project Recap

May 24, 2024

The USAID-funded New Partnerships Initiative EXPAND: New Partners for Better Health (NPI EXPAND) Human Development Activity (HDA) end of project meeting was held on May 8, 2024, in Islamabad, Pakistan. The activity focused on expanding access to high-quality education, maternal, newborn and child health, and voluntary family planning services in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province through partnerships with local organizations, communities, and the government.

The meeting showcased the work of NPI EXPAND HDA partners: Association for Mothers and Newborns, the Community Uplift Program, the Foundation for Rural Development, Greenstar Social Marketing (Pvt.) Limited, the Hashoo Foundation, HUJRA Village Support Organization, the Human Development Foundation, the National Integrated Development Association-Pakistan, the Participatory Rural Development Society, the Peace and Development Organization, Saiban Development Organization, the Sustainable Development Policy Institute, Takal Welfare Organization, and the Women Empowerment Organization. 

The event served as a celebration of achievements and a platform for future collaboration to improve health and education outcomes for women and youth in the region. 
