Success Story

Private Sector Partnership in the Amazon: NPI EXPAND Brazil Phase 1 Results Event

December 22, 2021

In late 2021, NPI EXPAND, in partnership with USAID, the Partnership Platform for the Amazon (PPA) – a private sector-led collective action network invested in the Amazon region – and SITAWI Finances for Good – “PPA Solidarity” – successfully closed out its first year of COVID-19 response programming. NPI EXPAND issued 11 grants to 8 new and underutilized partners to advance health and economic strategies to mitigate COVID-19 among vulnerable populations in the Brazilian Amazon Region. These grants supported local organizations to strengthen public health systems’ emergency preparedness and response to COVID-19 in the region.

On November 4, 2021, the NPI EXPAND – PPA Solidarity Closing Event: Response to COVID-19 in the Amazon, was held to share achievements and lessons learned from the first phase of implementation. Speakers focused on how local organizations have effectively responded to the COVID-19 pandemic, and on the innovative private sector co-investment model, which to date has generated over $2.6 million in co-investment and over $1.9 million in cost-shared funds for COVID-19 mitigation. As highlighted by speakers from USAID Brazil, PPA, and other NPI EXPAND partners during this event, this international cooperation is an example of a successful public-private partnership, enabling local partners to implement a rapid response approach to the COVID-19 pandemic. The PPA Solidarity initiative and funding scheme has allowed partners to broaden their local networks, reduce reliance on donor funds, and strengthen their adaptability in response to the pandemic and needs of local communities.

Throughout phase 1, NPI EXPAND engaged new and underutilized partners (NUPs) to leverage community structures and provide innovative, scalable solutions to strengthen emergency preparedness and response. Through targeted grant-making, NPI EXPAND enabled local organizations to provide community-based emergency response efforts, reaching vulnerable communities with lifesaving information, supplies, equipment, and services. Results from the phase 1 implementation period (June 2020 through June 2021) highlight the impact of these efforts:

  • 875,537 people were reached through risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) efforts on mitigating the spread of COVID-19 via printed materials; 364,664 were reached through social media; and 336,657 were reached through radio/motorbike/boat announcements and audio soap operas;
  • Over 1.4 million non-medical masks were produced and distributed to the most vulnerable communities in the Amazon region. The production of these masks also generated income for nearly 800 seamstresses from the region, contributing to their economic independence and encouraging them to become community leaders in the mitigation of COVID-19;
  • Over 23,000 food baskets and hygiene kits were distributed to communities, strengthening food security for vulnerable families hard hit by the pandemic. This activity has also built the capacity of local leaders in RCCE preventative education on COVID-19 prevention and household hygiene practices;
  • To further prevent the spread of COVID-19, 415 community mobilization agents were trained to address COVID-19 infection prevention and control. To mitigate positive caseloads, 115 staff from municipal governments in hospitals and basic healthcare units of Juruti, Pará were trained in cleaning and surface disinfection.

Phase 2 of NPI EXPAND Brazil’s program will focus exclusively on the health sector response to COVID-19, accelerating widespread and equitable access to and delivery of safe and effective COVID-19 vaccinations, and reducing morbidity and mortality from COVID-19. Building on phase 1’s successes in sustainable public-private partnerships and community-led COVID-19 mitigation efforts, NPI EXPAND will continue to strengthen the capacity of NUPs to support vulnerable communities in the Amazon to prevent and respond to COVID-19.

The phase 1 NPI EXPAND – PPA Solidarity Closing Event can be viewed on YouTube in Portuguese here: A second event will be planned to continue exploring results and lessons learned from NPI EXPAND implementation to date, and will seek to further illustrate the innovative co-investment model.

For more information on NPI EXPAND Brazil, please contact Nina Best at
